New Communications

When creating a new communication, there are three mandatory fields:

  1. Doctor
  2. Subject
  3. Message

If these three fields are not populated, a validation message appears informing you to enter information.

Note: Communications can only be sent to prescribers that are PrescribeIT®-enabled. If a prescriber is not PrescribeIT®-enabled, the following prompt displays.

There are three different methods to creating a new communication:

  1. From the Mail tab - creates a blank communication.
  2. From the patient's Profile tab - populates patient information, and doctor and drug information, if applicable.
  3. From an incoming PrescribeIT® transaction - populates patient, doctor and drug information.

Use the dropdowns below to learn more about creating a new communication.

Note: Communications that are sent to a prescriber can be viewed under the All or Sent filter. These communications are identified with a sent icon .

Bundled Transactions

If a PrescribeIT® transaction that is part of a bundle is selected for a communication, a prompt displays the confirm if the new communication is for all transactions in the bundle or for the specific transaction selected.

Select one of the following:

  • Yes - the communication is created for all transactions in the bundle.
  • No - the communication is created only for the selected transaction.